A Message from our Vice President:
We have MALs all over the country!
Happy New Year, Members at Large!
‘Hope you all had a delightfully joyful and merry Christmas…and, I’d like to wish you the very best of the upcoming new year!
Please know that it is here, on the MAL Corner, that I will continue to communicate and share information with nearly 170 of you!
Let’s begin by discussing 2024-2026 national dues. A number of emails have gone out from me to you (along with instructions on renewing online) that your $50 membership dues were payable and would become delinquent on December 1, 2024. Many of you have not yet renewed! If you have not...and desire to maintain your current status...PLEASE DO SO NOW. When you do go online to register (, you will have a $5 late fee added to your membership fee. The membership form should be filled out completely (listing MEMBER AT LARGE as your primary chapter). You will then be directed to the payment page. It’s very simple and efficient; however, if you would like me to assist you (I can do it for you when we’re on the phone together), I’ll be happy to do so. Just call me... all details for renewal are available in all of the emails sent out to you. Let me know if you’d like assistance!
Just a reminder that I would absolutely love to hear from you if you have an accomplishment to share, an unusual experience to tell us about, or an amazing story that you know we’d enjoy hearing. Don’t be shy or humble…I’d like to feature you here on the MAL Corner and/or in the quarterly Kiwi Kaleidoscope. It’s one way our ‘large chapter’ can get to know one another a bit. On another note, don’t forget that if you want to explore CHAPTERS and NEWSLETTERS on our website, you’ll need to use the password: birds. It’s fun and informative to take a look at all the chapter newsletters and the goings on around the Kiwi system!
If you have specific questions, comments, or concerns, don’t hesitate to email or call me. I’ll always attempt to help if needed!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to all those celebrating in January! May your day be EXTRA special and filled with much joy!
Stay well and stay positive as we begin our venture into 2025.
Kiwi Hugs, Linda
Kiwi Club Biennual Dues
Dues ($50) are due and payable after September 1st and before November 1st each even numbered year.
Complete Information is on the "Membership Renewal" page that is located under the "MEMBERSHIP" tab.
Or, if you are ready to pay simply click on the link here and get started!
​​​​​​​​​Starting a Chapter
If you know of other flight attendants in your area and would like to start a chapter, all it takes is five!
You can find information on the Forms page with details on How to Start a Chapter or contact our VP Linda Hessler Radke for information.
Airline Memorabilia? Don't toss it... Donate it!
If you come across any memorabilia or uniforms from your flying days, and you’re wondering what to do with these items, consider sending your items now to one of our Support Staff members listed below.
Uniform Donations - Please contact Chris Strommer Moeckel:
Historical/Collectible Items - Please contact: Mary Richter Thrasher:
If you know of someone who is eligible to join The Kiwi Club, but has never joined, please consider surprising him or her with the gift of a Kiwi membership!
You’ll find the Gift Membership Form on the Forms page of this website.
MAL Member Spotlight - One of Our MAL Authors
We'd like to highlight two of our talented members. Both of them have written and published books that are currently offered on Amazon in hard copy or Kindle format. The Boutique has information about the books..
Argie Hoskins Shumway
Read about your fellow Kiwi MAL and author of "More Than a Ticket". She says...
"I received my wings on the 21st day of May, 1957, Class of 57-6. I attended school in April and May of 1957.The stewardess school was housed in American Airlines' hangar at Midway Airport in Chicago. There was enough room for 36 students, three instructors, and a housemother with the atmosphere along the lines of a select women's college.
I was in one of the last classes to be trained in that hangar because later that year American Airlines built the world's first facility for training in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas. I can still taste the smells of takeoffs and landings and the smell of rain on the tarmac. For a country girl from Animas Valley, New Mexico this new world was unreal.
A world that lasted for two and half years of opportunity and excitement. My connection with the Kiwi club was an emotional connection with Kay Hansen. Membership in Tucson and Las Vegas chapters of the Kiwi club has been rewarding as my years of flying out of Chicago and Los Angeles.
Years of memories serving American Airlines with many public relation opportunities, career days, and inaugural flights with the role of suggestions as to how to make jet service passenger friendly. Read my book about the Golden years of flying."
Argie can be contacted at: